Turquoise and purple bear strides forward in wild orange background with a large moon.
Storm Light
A powerful storm sky lit by the moon provides the backdrop for this buffalo.
A startling purple and white horse, a pinto cow pony, makes its way across the landscape against a red sky and luminous moon.
Cosmic Buffalo
A deep blue bison with orange highlights stalks through a surreal sky with a glowing moon. This painting measures 36″ wide by 24″ high and can be found at Creighton Block Gallery in Big Sky, Montana.
A curious grizzly bear investigates something under a glowing moon.
Red Earth
A distant red bison stands on a red foreground with a dark stormy blue sky and a large moon.
The purple bear is intent on something he hears, a grizzly on alert, standing against a brilliant red background, illuminated by the moon.
Star Lightning
This buffalo glows against the wild lightning struck sky with reds and blues predominating.
Blue Moon Bear